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School History

School History

St Patrick’s was set up by the Sisters of Mercy in January 1906 in a little wooden church.

In 1911, a new school was blessed and opened and this was used until the current school was built in 1960. This was when the convent became a boarding school to meet one of the very real needs identified by the Sisters of Mercy.

The Sisters of Mercy gave their service to the district of Winton for almost seventy years. The first lay principal, Mr Glen Perkins was appointed in 1985.

A new era for St Patrick’s had began. We currently have nearly 50 students enrolled and our education team consists of three full-time teachers, two school officers, secretary and a principal. The school is continually undergoing refurbishment in line with our detailed school master plan. Our grounds are becoming greener; our library collection is growing continuously and our technology is updated to ensure we are giving our students the same access to the technologies curriculum as our coastal-sister schools.