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Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to provide a quality learning experience within an Inclusive Catholic environment that challenges, supports and encourages students to strive for personal excellence.

St Patrick’s uniqueness is characterised by the close relationships which exist within the school. We believe that, an environment which sees happy children relating to a dedicated staff is the hand-in-glove of successful education.

We hold Jesus as our model in the ways we value each student and strive to assist each student to be their best. Christian values are evident throughout the school. We call for them to be modelled by teachers, students and parents. Children are taught to strive for self-discipline and love and respect for others.

By means of a curriculum which is set within Gospel values we work towards maximising the development of each child. 

Family is promoted as the cornerstone of a child’s life and learning. Parents are recognised as a child’s first educator and, therefore, a critical part of the School’s community and purpose.

We believe that the School is valued by the people of Winton and, in turn, St. Patrick’s honours and contributes to its community.