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Classroom Information

Classroom Information

We have three class grouping at St Patrick's this year; Early Years, Middle Primary and Upper Primary. 

In our classrooms we strive for our best work, through persistence and practice. We establish set classroom rules, behaviours, consequences and rewards. Behaviour and academic management are consistently referred to and visible in all classrooms. Students learn a range of skills and knowledge within each year level. Core subjects consist of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences and Religion. Pupils of Saint Patrick’s also receive extra enrichment programmes, such as Health and Physical Education, Computers and Technology, Visual Arts, Media, Music and Speech and Drama.

Our units of work are meticulously developed at every stage of learning to be responsive to the needs of our learners in our class whilst ensuring we are delivering the Australian Curriculum in its entirety in any given year.  Students are given the opportunity to participate, inquire and be creative as well as learning resilience through problem solving, communication and reflection.  Inquiry-based units are presented in a colourful and inviting way to encourage and enhance learning in the classroom.  

"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece". - John Ruskin